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A maximum of 3 scholarships* with a provision of 1,500 euros towards the tuition fees has been published. To apply, you must have completed the application for admission to the Master’s.

–           Application deadline: 31st May 2023

–           Resolutions: February, April and June 2023


* The number of scholarships and amounts specified in the Annex to the notice may vary depending on the conditions of the candidates who apply for them.

UC3M Scholarships

The Carlos III University offers four full two-year scholarships to undertake the Master in Social Sciences. Four of those scholarships are funded by the Department of Social Sciences and one scholarship is funded by the Carlos III-Juan March Institute of Social Sciences (IC3JM). The period for applying for these scholarships will be open until March 13, 2023.

Applicants should prepare two separate applications, one for the scholarships offered by the Department of Social Sciences and another for the scholarship offered by the Institute.

All information can be found here:

Call MO1-2324

Tuition waiver

Three enrollment aids are offered for the two-year duration of the Master Degree, with an amount equivalent to the cost of tuition for a student from the European Union (approximately 2,900 euros). Students from countries that are not members of the EU must pay the difference between the total cost of tuition and the aid.

The period for applying for tuition waivers is open from March 4 to May 31, 2023. All information can be found here:

Call AMO4-23/24