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Las sesiones del Seminario tendrán lugar en el Campus de Getafe de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid salvo los indicados online. Todos los seminarios son a las 12:30hs en el Edificio 17 (aula 17.2.75) excepto cuando se indique lugar y hora alternativos.

13 de Septiembre
Adrian J. Shin (College of Arts and Sciences, University of Colorado -Boulder)
“Industry Representatives: How Deindustrialization Shapes Elite Messaging on Immigration”
27 de Septiembre
Pau Vall-Prat (IC3JM)
“Authoritarian power sharing and democratization: The case of the transition mayors in Spain”
11 de Octubre
Sergio Galaz (IC3JM)
“Birds of a feather orient together: assessing patterns of attitudinal heterogeneity using Bipolar Class Analysis”
15 de Noviembre
Ignacio Sánchez-Cuenca (IC3JM)
“The sequence of democratization. The individualist basis of democracy”
28 de Febrero
Adrian Shin (College of Arts and Sciences, University of Colorado)
“Clash of Capital: Diaspora Capital, Foreign Development Assistance, and Institutional Structures”
7 de Marzo
Patrick Kraft and Franziska Quoss
“What do average people perceive as extreme weather?”
16 de Febrero
Juan J. Fernández, Ilona Lahdelma y Sebastián Lavezzolo
“Education and attitudes towards Europe: Correcting for social desirability bias”
1 de Marzo
Harris Mylonas
“Comparing Theories and Causal Identification Practices: Valuating Methods and Evidence in Political Science”
19 de Abril
Fernando Mello
“Polarization and Perceptions of Status Gain and Loss: The Case of Brazil”
10 de Mayo
Gabriel Negretto
“Constitutional Renewals: The Lineage of Democratizing Constitutions”
15 de Septiembre
Amuitz Garmendia Madariaga
“Territorial Affective Polarization: Concept, Prevalence, and Impact”
29 de Septiembre
Sergio Galaz Garcia
“Historical event's impact on the frequency of political discussion: how much and how equal?”
6 de Octubre
Riccardo di Leo
“The Roots of Democratic Attitudes: The Effects of Historical State Legitimacy”
20 de Octubre
Paul Atwell
“Social identity and implicit motives in clientelist democracies: Evidence from Ghana”
3 de Noviembre
Fran Villamil
"Understanding enduring polarization: Memories of war and media exposure in Spain"
11 de noviembre
Francisco Cantú (University of Houston)
"Cleaning Votes: Estimating Electoral Results in Fraudulent Contexts"
18 de noviembre
Patrick Kraft (IC3JM)
"We Need to Talk: Correcting Misinformation through Political Discussions"
13 de diciembre
Matti Sarvimäki (Aalto University) & Ilona Lahdelma (IC3JM)
"Forced displacement shapes personality traits across generations"
27 de enero
Paolo Gerbaudo (King’s College)
“Video-sharing social networks as plebeian spaces of youth communication and participation”
10 de febrero
Hadas Mandel (Tel-Aviv University)
“The Opposing Effects of Structural versus Individual Processes on Gender Inequality, 1980 – 2017”
17 de febrero
Kasia Nalewajko (IC3JM)
“What is a Pogrom, Anyway?”
24 de febrero
Verena Fetscher (University of Hamburg)
“Income, Perceptions of Inequality and Support for Redistribution: An Information Provision Experiment in the UK”
2 de marzo
Riccardo di Leo (IC3JM)
“Berlinguer, I Love You (Still): the Downstream Effects of Expressive Voting”
31 de marzo
Nelson Ruiz (University of Essex)
“Mind and machine: rooting out corrupt politicians”
21 de abril
William Foley (IC3JM)
“The effects of parental discipline and support on effort”
2 de junio
Pau Vall-Prat (IC3JM)
“Bank Failures and Elite’s Democratic Consent”
28 de Marzo
Paul Atwell, Simon Chauchard, y Fernando Mellon
“How do anti-misinformation laws affect electoral campaigns? A field experiment with Brazil’s mayors”
9 de Mayo
Michael Christensen (Departamento de Derecho y Estudios Legales, Carleton University)
“Facts or Frames? Rethinking Misinformation Research through an Analysis of the COVID-19 Vaccine Discourse”