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The Institute

The Carlos III-Juan March Institute (IC3JM) is a mixed Institute funded by the Juan March Foundation and the Carlos III University and based in the Getafe campus of the University in Madrid. The IC3JM was created as a mixed Institute in 2013, yet at the time of its creation it incorporated the academic legacy of the Center for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences (CEACS) of the Juan March Institute, a Center that for more than 25 years funded high-quality doctoral and postdoctoral research in Spain.

At present, the academic community of the Carlos III-Juan March Institute brings together outstanding social scientists in the areas of Sociology, Political Science and Economic History and it is largely recognized as one of the most important European institutions of its kind. It provides scholars with a rich and stimulating research environment full of academic activities, such as weekly seminars, international academic meetings and specialized methodological courses.

This intellectual atmosphere nurtures the production of high-level research, which is illustrated by the excellent record of publications of its members and by the number of national and international research projects hosted at the Institute. The members of the Institute are also highly regarded by their public impact activities and external engagement.

In collaboration with the Department of Social Sciences, the Institute also trains future scholars in its Masters in Social Sciences, an research Master that offers interdisciplinary training in the areas of Sociology, Political Science and Economic History during the first year and a specialized pathway in one of those areas during the second year.

The Master’s graduate students are admitted every year in very prestigious international PhD programs. The Institute also hosts two additional MA professional programs, the Master in Computational Social Science and the Master in Electoral and Political Analysis, which hold an excellent record of professional placements.