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Las sesiones del Seminario tendrán lugar en el Campus de Getafe de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid salvo los indicados online. Todos los seminarios son a las 12:30hs en el Edificio 17 (aula 17.2.75) excepto cuando se indique lugar y hora alternativos.

20 de Septiembre
Sam Friedman (London School of Economics)
Born to Rule: The Making and Remaking of the British Elite
4 de Octubre
Agustina Giraudy (American University)
Digging Deeper: The Multi-Level Political Drivers of Chinese Extractive Investment in Latin America
25 de Octubre
Felipe González (Queen Mary University of London)
Government support in times of crisis: Evidence from Chile’s road to socialism
8 de Noviembre
Sirus Dehdari (Stockholm University)
Individual versus Contextual Economic Factors: Exploring Support for the Radical Right
22 de Noviembre
Sunshine Hillygus (Duke University)
Polling and Polarization in the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election
29 de Noviembre
Ariadna Ripoll (Paris Lodron University Salzburg)
(De)politicising migration policies in the European Union
31 de Enero
David Rueda (University of Oxford)
“The Rich are Different from You and Me: Fairness, Merit and Support for Redistribution”
21 de Febrero
Amalia Álvarez-Benjumea (CSIC)
“The Enforcement of Political Norms”
14 de Marzo
Andrew Guess (Princeton University)
“The Effects of Political Recommendations on Social Media”
21 de Marzo
Aditya Dasgupta (University of California, Merced)
“Urbanization and the Rise of the Right in India”
4 de Abril
Yotam Margalit (TAU and KCL)
"Does attracting investments also attract voters? The politics of the winners from globalization"
25 de Abril
Vicky Fouka (Stanford University)
23 de Mayo
Daniel Naurin (ARENA, University of Oslo)
“Identifying the Precedential Value of Case Law of the Court of Justice of the EU – A Machine Learning Approach”
22 de Septiembre
Fabrizio Bernardi (UNED)
Luck, life-course outcomes and inequality
27 de Octubre
Alexandra Scacco (WZB)
Misinformation and Irregular Migration: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Nigeria
10 de Noviembre
Anne Rasmussen (University of Copenhaguen)
The Gendered Effects of Incivility toward Politicians: Experimental Evidence from Politicians and Citizens
17 de Noviembre
Lars-Erik Cederman (ETH Zürich)
Partition, Power Sharing and Peace: A Spatial Analysis
24 de Noviembre
Leonie Huddy (Stoney Brook University)
Sharing Fake News: Partisanship and Accuracy as Competing Motives
1 de Diciembre
Vincenzo Galasso (Bocconi University)
Fighting Populism on Its Own Turf: Experimental Evidence
9 de Febrero
Anita R. Gohdes (Hertie School)
Civilian Behavior on Social Media During Civil War
23 de Febrero
Jenna Bednar (University of Michigan)
8 de Marzo
Andrea Ruggeri (University of Oxford)
The Violence of Legacies on Contentious Politics. Italy and the Years of Lead 1969-1988
15 de Marzo
Arthur Spirling (Princeton University)
Extensions to Embedding Regression: Models for Context-Specific Description and Inference
22 de Marzo
Rachel Bernhard (University of Oxford)
A Rich Woman's World? Wealth and Gendered Paths to Office
12 de Abril
Miguel Pereira (London School of Economics)
Why Parties Can Benefit From Promoting Occupational Diversity in Legislatures: Experimental Evidence From Three Countries
26 de Abril
Agustina Paglayan (University of California, San Diego)
When Does Education Promote Political Participation? The Role of Curriculum Reforms
17 de Mayo
Jonathan Mijs (Boston University)
The Social Life of Inequality: Why Unequal Countries Stay That Way
10 de Marzo
Eric Chaney (University of Oxford)
Religion and the Rise and Fall of Islamic Science
17 de Marzo
Herman Van De Werfhost (European University Institute)
Wider Gaps or Deeper Trenches? Cleavages in Political Values in a Global Perspective 1985-2019
24 de Marzo (18.0.A14)
Livia Schubiger (University of Oxford)
Training Local Leaders to Reduce Intimate Partner Violence: Evidence from Peru
14 de Abril
Mirya Holman (Tulane University)
Gender, Candidate Quality, and Policy Outcomes in Brazilian Municipalities
28 de Abril
Enrique Hernández (UAB)
Selective Media Exposure and the Electoral Punishment of Corruption
5 de Mayo
Dominik Hangartner (ETH Zurich)
Online Hate speech – and How to Counter It
12 de Mayo
Tommaso Pavone (Universidad de Arizona)
Supranational Forbearance: The Shifting Politics of Law Enforcement in the European Union
24 de Mayo (16hs)
Oliver Kaplan (Universidad de Denver)
Resisting War
26 de Mayo (18.0.A14)
Emmy Lindstram (IE University)
Evaluating the Effects of Inclusive Historical Narratives on Democratic Attitudes in India and the United States
28 de septiembre
16hs - 17.1.02
Diana C. Mutz (University of Pennsylvania)
The Impact of the BLM Social Movement on American Electoral Politics.
7 de octubre
Valentina di Stasio (Utrecht University)
Gendered Ethnic Discrimination and Stereotyping in Europe: Results from Field and Survey Experiments
18 de octubre
16h - Aula Magna - Ed. 8 Rectorado
Adam Przeworski (NYU)
Some Tautologies Concerning Inequality and Redistribution
21 de octubre
David Fortunato (UCSD)
Representation and the Trade Roots of the Gender Pay Gap
4 de noviembre
Pavithra Suryanarayan (LSE)
Indentured Migration, Caste and Electoral Competition in Colonial India
25 de noviembre
Theresa Kuhn (University of Amsterdam)
Partisan Cueing and Preferences for International Cooperation. A survey experiment in 5 EU member states
30 de septiembre
Janet Gornick (CUNY)
Accounting for the value of unpaid domestic work: A cross-national study of variation across household types.
15 de octubre
Guillermo Toral (Vanderbilt University)
The benefits of patronage: How political appointments can enhance bureaucratic accountability and effectiveness.
5 de noviembre
Anja Neundorf (University of Glasgow)
A loyal base? Authoritarian support in times of crisis: Evidence from Turkey. [Meeting ID: 850 5683 0081 · Passcode: 054911]
12 de noviembre
Marta Fraile (CSIC)
Why women shade away from the political realm? An experimental approach about the 'gendered psyche'.
19 de noviembre
Philipp Rehm (OSU)
Big Data and the Welfare State. [Meeting ID: 839 2282 9352 · Passcode: 542223]
3 de diciembre
David Rueda (Oxford University)
Risk and Voting: Demand for Redistribution and Left Parties in Industrialized Democracies
16 de diciembre
David Siegel (Duke University)
A theoretical approach to modeling conflict using partially related data. | 17hs Online. [Meeting ID: 812 7559 4130 · Passcode: 571740]
11 de marzo
Geoffrey Evans (Oxford University)
Class, Status and Identity Politics
25 de marzo
Iñaki Permanyer (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona)
Global Health Inequalities: Levels, Trends, and Determinants
1 de abril
Gabriel Abend (University of Lucerne y Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin)
Will Social Scientists’ Never-ending Disputes over Words ever End?
29 de abril
Pablo Beramendi (Duke University)
How Inequality Shapes Political Participation: The Role of Spatial Patterns of Political Competition
6 de mayo
Diana Z. O'Brien (Rice University)
Women's Representation and Democratic Legitimacy [Meeting ID: 891 9868 7984 · Passcode: 859739]
18 de mayo
David Broockman (University of California, Berkeley)
The Manifold Effects of Partisan Media on Viewers’ Beliefs and Attitudes: A Field Experiment
27 de mayo
(room 17.0.01)
Anthony M. Bertelli (Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals)
Democracy from Public Administration
16 de octubre 12.30pm
Tarik Abou-Chadi (University of Zurich)
Economic Risk within the Household and Voting for the Radical Right. ID Reunión: 81326219372 · Código: 791158
30 de octubre (Aula 18.1.A12)
Ilona Lahdelma · University of Oxford
After the Arrivals: How Citizens React to Asylum Seekers in Rural and Urban Areas. ID Reunión: 876 6508 1661 Código: 101737
6 de noviembre
Nils Weidmann · University of Konstanz
The Internet and Political Protest in Autocracies. ID Reunión: 860 2540 4641 Código: 493707
13 de noviembre
Markus Wagner · University of Vienna
Affective Polarization: the Effects of Ideological and Social Homogeneity on Outparty Dislike. ID Reunión: 833 4809 4532 Código: 559752
27 de noviembre
Efe Tokdemir · Bilkent University
Battle for Allegiance: Governments, Terrorist Groups and Constituencies in Conflict. ID Reunión: 846 7280 1624 Código: 059787
11 de diciembre
Sofia Vasilopoulou · University of York
Emerging Divisions on Trade in Post-Brexit UK. ID Reunión: 811 1603 6166 Código: 422218
26 de marzo
Ezequiel González · Oxford University
The Criminalization of Corruption in Latin America: Causes and Consequences of Lava Jato. ID: 818 8834 1574 / Código: 863063
8 de abril (17:30h)
Barbara Walter · University of California, San Diego
Propaganda and Radicalization in an Internet Age. ID: 867 1848 4944 / Código: 726861
16 de abril
Stefanie Walter · University of Zurich
The Accommodation Dilemma. Responding to Popular Challenges to International Institutions. ID: 857 4711 6683 / Código: 860576
22 de abril (17:30h)
Marion Fourcade · University of California, Berkeley
The Society of Algorithms. ID: 876 1048 6309 / Código: 372929
6 de mayo (16h)
Michael Horowitz · University of Pennsylvania
The Role of Military Service in Future Political Attitudes. ID: 859 3296 4253 / Código: 414298
21 de mayo
Vera Troeger · University of Hamburg
Productivity Takes Leave? Maternity and Career Opportunities of Female Academics. ID: 886 9048 7695 / Código: 201027
27 de mayo · 17:30h
David Siroky · Arizona State University
A Study of Civilian Support for Insurgency in Irregular War. ID: 819 3947 9715 / Código: 308458
4 de octubre
Stephanie Rickard / LSE
Incumbents Beware: The Impact of Offshoring on Elections (Aula: 18.1.A11)
11 de octubre
Lanny Martin / Bocconi University
Voter Sophistication and Multiparty Bargaining
18 de octubre
Michael Becher / Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse
Curbing Unequal Representation: The Impact of Labor Unions on Legislative Responsiveness
25 de octubre
Michael Coppedge / University of Notre Dame
International Influences on Democratization
15 de noviembre
Lars-Erik Cederman / University of Zurich
Redemption through Rebellion: Linking Border Change to Ethnonationalist Conflict
22 de noviembre
Nikitas Konstantinidis / IE University, Madrid
International Organization (IO) Conditionality and the Local Ownership of Reforms: The Case of the IMF
12 de diciembre
Matthew J. Hoffmann / University of Toronto
Climate Change and the Politics of Decarbonization
6 de marzo
Teresa Kramarz / University of Toronto
The World Bank, Bureaucratic Rationality and the Promise of Environmental Partnerships
13 de marzo · CANCELADO
Christopher Wlezien / University of Texas at Austin
Institutions, Parties, and the Timeline of Elections
3 de abril · CANCELADO
Richard Breen / Nuffield College, Oxford University
Educational Assortative Mating and Intergenerational Reproduction in the United States
24 de abril · CANCELADO
Anastasia Gorodzeisky / Tel Aviv University
The Long Arm of Children’s Age at Immigration: Educational and Labor Market Outcomes
29 de abril · CANCELADO
Liesbet Hooghe and Gary Marks / UNC Chapel Hill
A Cleavage Theory of Partisanship
8 de mayo · CANCELADO
Rubén Ruíz-Rufino / King’s College, London
The Political Effects of Financial Bailouts
15 de mayo · CANCELADO
Juan Antonio Mayoral / University of Copenhagen
Public Opposition to Human Rights Adjudication in National and European Courts
22 de mayo · CANCELADO
Ann-Kristin Kölln / Aarhus University
Party Members as Communicators: How Interpersonal Discussion with Members Clarifies a Party’s Ideology
29 de mayo · CANCELADO
Pablo Beramendi / Duke University
Political (In)equality
5 de octubre
Lilach Lurie / University of Tel Aviv
Do Trade Unions Promote Intergenerational Solidarity? Evidence from Canada and Israel.
19 de octubre
Moshe Semyonov / University of Tel Aviv
Gender and Racial Earnings Disparities and Sector of Employment.
26 de octubre
Daniele Caramani / University of Zurich
National Past and Populism: The Re-Elaboration of Fascism and its Impact on Right-Wing Populism in Western Europe
16 de noviembre
Amanda Garrett / Georgetown University, Qatar
Pluralism and Contentious Politics in France.
23 de noviembre
Marina Costa Lobo / University of Lisbon
The Consequences of Politicisation of the EU for Voting Behavior.
30 de noviembre
Gabriel Negretto / CIDE, México
Constitutional Change and Democratization: The Impact of Elite Bargains and Mass Participation.
8 de marzo
Pablo Barberá / LSE
From Riot Police to Tweets: How World Leaders Use Social Media During Contentious Politics.
22 de marzo
Milena Ang / Universidad de Chicago
Guilty by Association: the Spillover Effects of Corruption-related Prosecutions.
29 de marzo
Jan Paul Heisig / Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin
Lack of Skills or Formal Qualifications? New Evidence on Cross-country Differences in the Labor Market Disadvantage of Less-educated Adults.
5 de abril (aula 15.1.01)
Luis Miller / CSIC
The Effect of Education, Income Inequality and Merit on Inequality Acceptance.
10 de mayo
Anna Getmansky / LSE
War and Politics: How and Why Wars Affect Individual Level Attitudes and Behavior.
13 de mayo
Joseph H.H. Weiler / NYU School of Law
Sovereignties in Contention: The European Cultural War 2003-2019.
Carles Boix / Princeton University
Democratic Capitalism at a Crossroads? Technological Change and the Breakdown of Consensus Politics
Covadonga Meseguer / LSE and Santander professor at UC3M
Return Migration and Democratization
Luz Marina Arias / CIDE
How do Rulers Rule? Coordination and the Legitimate Accumulation of Power
Kenneth Roberts / Cornell University
Varieties of Capitalism and Subtypes of Populism: Structural Foundations of Political Divergence in Europe and Latin America .
Abbey Steele / University of Amsterdam
Challengers and Collaborators: Barriers to State-Building in Colombia
Daniel Oesch / University of Lausanne
Job Polarization and Middle Class Erosion in Europe
Adria Lawrence / Johns Hopkins University
Colonial State-Building Projects in French Algeria
Dingxin Zhao / University of Chicago
Temporality, Structure and Wisdom: The Essence of Historical Sociology
Jane Gingrich / Oxford University
Changing Labor Markets, Changing Voters?
Leonid Peisakhin / New York University, Abu Dhabi
Building Cooperation Among Groups in Conflict: An Experiment on Intersectarian Cooperation in Lebanon
Pablo Beramendi / Duke University
Long-run Fiscal Development and the Politics of Inequality
Mike Hout / New York University
Meteor or Volcano? We Should Have Predicted Populist Nationalism Before Trump Ran for President
Jordi Muñoz / Universidad de Barcelona
Labor Unrest, Political Activation, and Female Participation upon Enfranchisement
David Le Bris / Toulouse Business School
Family Characteristics and Economic Development
Julia Cagé / Sciences Po, Paris
The Production of Information in an Online World: Is Copy Right?
David Altman / Catholic University of Chile
Mechanisms of Direct Democracy: Feud of the Conservative Forces in Society or Liberalism at its Most?
Matt Golder / Pennsylvania State University
It’s Not Only What You Say, but Also How You Say It: Campaign Sentiment in European Party Manifestos
Delia Baldassarri / New York University
Interethnic Relationships in Contemporary Communities: How does Diversity Affect Solidarity and Cooperation?
Laia Balcells / Duke University
The Political Consequences of Terrorism: A Quasi-Experimental Approach
Sofía Pérez / Boston University
The Political Economy of Austerity: Outcomes and their Implications in Southern Europe
Roberto Gargarella / UBA/Di Tella, Buenos Aires
The New Constitutionalism in Latin America. Reflections from Constitutional Theory
Ruth Milkman / CUNY
US Labor and the Great Recession
13712/2016 martes
Ian Shapiro / Yale University
Business and the South African Transition
Pedro Magalhaes / University of Lisbon
Procedural Fairness and the Economic Vote
Hye-Young You / Vanderbilt University
Targeted Transfers and Local Public Goods Provisions: Evidence from the Shale Gas Boom in the US
Luis de la Calle CIDE
The Legacy of War Dynamics on State Capacity Building: Evidence from 19th Century Mexico. Joint Seminar with Economic History
María Sobolewska / University of Manchester
Reputational Benefits for Political Parties from Ethnic and Gender Diversity. Evidence from Survey Experiments in the UK. Joint Seminar with the CALMA Project
Gustavo Torrens / Indiana University
Stirring Up a Hornets’ Nest: Geographic Distribution of Crime
Peter Foldvari / University of Utrecht
The Geographical and Institutional Determinants of the Location of Christian Missions in Sub-Saharan Africa. Joint Seminar with Economic History
Alex Cukierman / Tel-Aviv University
US Banks’ Behavior since Lehman’s Collapse, Bailout Uncertainty and the Timing of Exit Strategies
Alexander Lee / University of Rochester
Medieval State Building and Contemporary European Development
David Lake / University of California, San Diego
The Statebuilder’s Dilemma: Legitimacy, Loyalty, and the Limits of External Intervention
Hadas Mandel / Tel-Aviv University
The ‘Declining Significance of Gender’ Reexamined: Individual and Structural Mechanisms of Gender Discrimination
Arne Kalleberg / The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
The Perils of Precarity: The Impacts of Precarious Work on Individuals and Families in Comparative Perspective
Dylan Riley / University of California, Berkeley
The Social Foundations of Positivism: The Case of Late Nineteenth Century Italy
Laura Chaqués / Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals -IBEI
Explaining Issue Attention in the Parliamentarian Arena
Jeffrey Timmons / Instituto de Empresa, Madrid
Lobbying When Earmarks are Limited
Thomas Plümper / University of Essex
Robustness Tests and Causal Inference with Observational Data
Catherine De Vries / Oxford University
Why Do Voters Re-Elect Corrupt Politicians? Evidence from the Laboratory
Ben Ansell / Oxford University
Inequality and Democratization: An Elite Competition Approach
Ian Shapiro / Yale University
Resisting domination across borders
Mario Diani / University of Trento
Modes of Coordination of Collective Action in Urban Settings: A Network Perspective
Jan Teorell / University of Lund
Measuring Electoral Democracy with V-Dem Data: Introducing a New Polyarchy Index
Kenneth Greene / University of Texas at Austin
Why Vote Buying Fails
José Noguera / Autonomous University of Barcelona
Flags of our Neighbours: Social Influence in the Expression of Secessionist Political Preferences in Barcelona
Olivier Godechot / Max-Po
Financialization and Global Inequalities
Gustavo Flores-Macías / Cornell University
Militarization of Anti-Drug Efforts and State Capacity in Latin America: Evidence from Mexico
Milan Svolik / University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Deliver the Vote! Micromotives and Macrobehaviour in Electoral Fraud
Ellen Lust / Yale University
Parties, Polarization and Political Transition: Theoretical Lessons from Egypt, Libya and Tunisia
Carol Greenhouse / Princeton University
'Citizens United', citizens divided: Ethnographic reflections on law's power
Dawn Brancati / Washington University – St. Louis
Democracy by the People: The Impact of Pro-Democracy Protests on Regime Transitions
Mark Kayser / Hertie School of Governance, Berlin
Double Jeopardy for the Left? The Partisan Asymmetry of Electoral Accountability
Hans-Joachim / Voth ICREA –Universidad Pompeu Fabra
Highway to Hitler
Burcu Savun / University of Pittsburgh
Foreign Aid as a Counterterrorism Tool: Can Democracy Aid Reduce Terrorism?
Bernard Grofman / University of California, Irvine
Effects of Electoral Rules: Evidence from Singapore, Africa, and the Middle East
Jens Beckert / Max Planck Institute
Fictional Expectations and Capitalist Dynamics
Robert Fishman / University of Notre Dame
Rethinking Dimensions of Democracy for Empirical Analysis: Authenticity, Quality, Depth and Consolidation
Bruce Carruthers / Northwestern University
Credit Ratings, Quantification, and Modern Economic Governance
Jason Wittenberg / University of California, Berkeley
Why do Pogroms Occur in Some Localities and Not Others? Evidence from Poland
José Fernánez-Albertos / CSIC
Preferences for Regional Resdistribution in Multi-Tiered Politics: The Role of Information and Survey Evidence
Shanker Satyanath / New York University
Bowling for Fascism: Social Capital and the Rise of the Nazi Party in Weimar Germany
Kenneth Shepsle / Harvard University
Endogenous Assembly Rules, Senior Agenda Power, and Incumbency Advantage
Janne Jonsson / Nuffield College, Oxford
Understanding Income Mobility: The Role of Education for Intergenerational Income Persistence in the US, UK, and Sweden
Michael Lewis-Beck / University of Iowa
Economics, Crisis, and The Spanish Voter
Aina Gallego / CSIC
Issue-bundling: An Experimental Approach
14/10/2013 - 13:30h
Christian Joppke / University of Bern
Islam and Legislating Morality
Orestis Troumpounis / Lancaster University
Electoral Rule Disproportionality and Platform Polarization
Daniel Gingerich / University of Virginia
Can Institutions Cure Clientelism? Assessing the Impact of the Australia Ballot in Brazil
Timur Kuran / Duke University
Institutional Roots of Authoritarianism in the Middle East: Political Legacies of the Waqf
Dan Slater / University of Chicago
The Strength to Concede: Ruling Parties and Democratization in Developmental Asia
Thomas König / University of Mannheim
Reforming the Euro. A Synthetic Control Analysis of the Stability and Growth Pact and its Implications for Public Debt in the Eurozone
Scott Gehlbach / University of Wisconsin- Madison
Does Reform Prevent Rebellion? Evidence from Russia’s Emancipation of the Serfs
Guillem Rico / Autonomous University of Barcelona
Voters’ Personality and the Appeal of Charismatic Leadership under Crisis: A Case Study of a Local Election
Steffen Ganghof / University of Potsdam
Visions of Democracy: Tradeoffs and Equilibria
Ethan Bueno de Mesquita / University of Chicago
Multitask, Accountability, and Institutional Design
Hanspeter Kriesi / European University Institute
Political Consequences of the Great Recession
Ivan Krastev / Centre for Liberal Strategies, Sofia
In Mistrust We Trust: Can Democracy Survive When We Do Not Trust Our Leaders and Institutions?
27/2/2013 - 16:45h
Jeffrey Alexander / Yale University
The Societalization of Social Problems: A Civil Sphere Approach to Financial Crisis, Church Pedophilia, and Media Phone Hacking
Jonathan Rodden / Stanford University
The Long Shadow of the Industrial Revolution: Political Geography and the Representation of the Left
Mauro Guillén / The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Democracy, Coercion, and Imitation: the Spread of Shareholder Capitalism, 1970-2011
Moshe Semyonov / University of Tel-Aviv
Where Wealth Matters More for Health
James Vreeland / Georgetown University
The Political Economy of the United Nations Security Council
Mario Chacón / New York University
Votes and Violence: The Unintended Consequences of Decentralization in Colombia
Julio Ríos / CIDE
Judges, Generals, and Democracy in Latin America. Institutional Design and Constitutional Jurisprudence on Military Justice
Katherine Stovel / University of Washington, Seattle
The Broker's Dilemma
Bo Rothstein / University of Gothenburg
The Roots of Corruption: Mass Education, State Formation, and Inequality
Scott Gates / PRIO
Why Waves? Global Patterns of Democratization, 1820-2008
Rebecca Weitz-Shapiro / Brown University
Performance and Partisanship: Survey Experimental Evidence from Latin America
Desmond King / Nuffield College, Oxford
Racial Policy Alliances and Partisan Polarization: A Synthetic Analysis
Ivan Ermakoff / University of Wisconsin-Madison
Police and State Persecution
Emerson Niou / Duke University
External Threat and Internal Strife: A Model of Alliances Politics
Edgar Kiser / University of Washington, Seattle
What's Wrong with Italian Taxation?
Javier Auyero University of Texas at Austin
Violence and the State at the Urban Margins
Erica Chenoweth Wesleyan University
The Electoral Determinants of Counterterrorism
Yotam Margalit / Columbia University
Sharing the Pain: Values, Self-Interest, and the Mass Politics of Financial Bailouts
Rogers Brubaker / University of California, Los Angeles
Language, Religion, and the Political Accommodation of Cultural Heterogeneity
Rosemary Taylor / Tufts University
Securing Borders against Disease: a Comparative Analysis
Marc Stears / University College, Oxford
A Democratic Future for the Left? Reflections on the British Labour Party since Defeat
Lisa Blaydes / Stanford University
The Feudal Revolution and Europe's Rise: Political Divergence of the Christian and Muslim Worlds before 1500 CE
Antonio Jaime-Castillo / Universidad de Granada
Inequality of Opportunities and Preferences for Social Policies
Jacint Jordana / Universidad Pompeu Fabra
Political Institutions and the Avoidance of Banking Crisis
Deborah Boucoyannis / University of Virginia
War: The Tyranny of a Concept
Daniel Posner / MIT
Education for All? The Political Economy of Primary Education in Kenya
Javier Arregui Pompeu Fabra / University, Barcelona
Who Succeed in the Negotiation Process of the EU Council of Ministers and Why?
Javier Polavieja / IMDEA
Immigration and the Economic Impact of Culture: Introducing a New Method to Estimate Exogenous Cultural Effects
Enriqueta Aragonés / IAE, CSIC
Campaigning for Electoral Salience
Kristian Gleditsch / University of Essex
Explaining External Support for Insurgent Groups
Raymond Duch / Nuffield College, Oxford
Experimental Investigations of Responsibility Attribution for Collective Decision Making in Coalition Government
Ted Gerber / University of Wisconsin-Madison
Estonia, Russia, and Estonia’s Russians: Young People on Citizenship, Identity, and History
Jason Beckfield / Harvard University
Regional Integration and the Convergence of European Welfare States
Elisabeth Wood / Yale University
Sexual Violence during War: Explaining Variation
Karen Jusko / Stanford University
Partisan Representation of the Poor: Electoral Geography, Strategic Mobilization, and Implications for Voter Turnout
Frank van Tubergen / Utrecht University
Determinants of Inequality in Social Capital in the Netherlands: An Analysis of the Position Generator
Navin Bapat / University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Terrorism, Democratization, and U.S. Foreign Policy
Juan Diez Medrano / IBEI
Uninformed Citizens and Support for Free Trade
Steven Pfaff / University of Washington
Social Order and the Genesis of Rebellion: Explaining Mutiny in the Royal Navy during the Age of Sail
Silja Haeusermann / University of Zurich
Dualization and insider-outsider politics in post-industrial European societies
Anna Grzymala-Busse / University of Michigan
Why there is no Christian Democracy in Post-Communist Europe
Pablo Beramendi / Oxford University
Tax Structures and Economic Inequality
Arend Lijphart / University of California, San Diego
Patterns of Democracy, 1945-2010
Susan Stokes / Yale University
Electoral Clientlism: How does it Work and What Makes it Dissapear?
Eva Anduiza / Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Turning a Blind Eye? Partisanship and Attitudes Towards Corruption: an Experimental Approach
Jason Lyall / Yale University
Dynamic Deterrence in Civil War: Evidence from (Simulated) Airstrikes in Afghanistan
Willem Saris / Universidad Pompeu Fabra
Correction for Measurement Error is Necessary in Survey Research
Brian Burgoon / University of Amsterdam
Conditional Effects of Immigration on Support for Government Redistribution
Xavier Collier / Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla
Social and Institutional Factors in Parliamentary Conflict. The Case of Spain’s Autonomous Communities (1980-2005)
Ignacio Ortuño-Ortín / Carlos III University
Intergenerational social mobility in Spain since the late 19th century
Francisco Herreros / IPP-CSIC
The State counts. State efficacy and the development of trust
Tak Wing Chan / Oxford University
Intergenerational exchange in the UK
Pedro Maglhaes / University of Lisbon
Synchronism in Electoral Cycles: How United are the United States of America?" (with Luis Aguiar-Conraria and Maria Joana Soares)
Jennifer Ghandi / Emory University / CEACS
Institutional Fragmentation and Stability in Authoritarian Regimes” (with Pierre Landry)
Casiano hacker-Cordón
Global justice and the Priority of Redressing Malfare
Rafaela Dancygier / Princeton University
Identity, Institutions, and the Election of Muslim Candidates in England"
Grigore Pop-Eleches / Princeton University
Political Crises, Foreign Policy Preferences and Partisan Ties: Evidence from Moldova's Twitter Revolution
Guillermo Trejo / Duke University
Why the Threat of Regime Reversal Stimulates the Escalation of Protest into Rebellion: Insurgent Collective Action During Mexico's Transition to Democracy"
Olga Salido / Complutense University, Madrid
Female employment and the economic cycle: the invisible string of inequality
Joshua Tucker / New York University
Communism’s Shadow: Legacies, Values and Behaviour in Post-Communist Countries
Humberto Llavador / Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona
An Agenda-setting Model of Electoral Competition
Nita Rudra / University of Pittsburgh
Globalization as Prison? Assessing the Inevitability of Social Welfare Reforms in Developing Countries
John Roemer / Yale University
The Ethics of Intergenerational Resource ALlocation in a Warming Planet
Nils Petter Gleditsch / International Peace Research Institute, Oslo
Climate change: the new security challenge?
Michael Chwe / University of California, Los Angeles
Strategic Cluelesness: Privilege, Misunderstandig, and Presumption
Athanassios Roussias / CEACS
Turnout Patterns in New Democracies
Robert Fishman / Pompeu Fabra University and University of Notre Dame
Inequality and the Altruistic Life: A Study of the Priestly Vocation Rate
Mariano Torcal / Pompeu Fabra University
Trust in the EU institutions: From Affective Heuristics to Rational Cueing
Moshe Semyonov / Tel-Aviv University
Immigration, Ethnicity, and Residential Segregation in European Societies
Marta Tienda / Princeton University
Natives' Opinions Toward Immigration in North Carolina
Markus Prior / Princeton University
The Development of Political Interest: Explaining Individual Trajectories
Harris Mylonas
The International Politics of Assimilation, Accommodation, and Exclusion
Adam Przeworski / New York University
Force, Wealth, and Elections
Rickard Sandell / Institute for Advanced Studies (IMDEA), Madrid
The Diffusion of Immigration: Explaining the Ethnic and Spatial Diffusion of Spanish Immigration 1997-2008
Dulce Manzano / CEACS, Madrid
Dictatorial Institutions and Ideology in Democratization
Mark Franklin / European University Institute, Firenze
Researching electoral change: how unfortunate circumstances derailed our theorizing on this topic
Peter Schmidt / University of Giessen
Values of Muslims, Christians and Non-religious: A comparative analysis of Germany, France and Great Britain
Nikitas Konstantinidis / Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals (IBEI)
Military Conscription, Foreign Policy, and Income Inequality: the Missing Link
Umut Aydin / Bogazici University
Capital Mobility and the Politics of Subsidies
John Kelly / Birbeck College, University of London
General strikes in Western Europe 1980-2008
Philipp Rehm / Oxford University
Social Policy, Risk and Inequality
Jeff Goodwin / New York University
Why Terror?
Joan Font / CSIC
Explanatory factors of the intensity of local participation: civil society, external support and ideology
Louis-André Vallet / Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), París
The Democratisation of Education in France and its Apparent Paradox
Bob Hancké / London School of Economics
Trade Unions, Central Banks, and Wage Shares
Michael Biggs / Oxford University
Hunger strikes in the United Kingdom and the Irish Free State, 1909-1923
Leire Salazar / UNED, Madrid
Educational assortative marriage and earnings inequality in the United States
Jeffry Frieden / Harvard University
The Political Economy of Exchange Rates
Pasi Moisio / National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health, Helsinki
The Intergenerational Transmission of Social Assistance in Finland
Pierre-Cyrille Hautcoeur / Paris School of Economics
Before Doing Business : Insolvency law and practice in Europe, 1880-1913
Florencia Torche / New York University
Is a College Degree Still the Real Equalizer? Intergenerational Mobility Across Levels of Schooling in the US
Jeff Miley / Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, Madrid
Operationalizing and Reconstructing the Theory of Nationalism
Orit Kedar / Massachussetts Institute of Technology
Coalition-Targeted Duvergerian Voting: How Expectations Affect Voter Choice under Proportional Representation
David Rueda / University of Oxford
The Politics of Inequality: Voter Mobilization and Left Parties in Advanced Industrial States
Lane Kenworthy / University of Arizona
Growth, Redistribution and Poverty
Diego Puga / Instituto Madrileño de Estudios Avanzados, IMDEA
Ruggedness: The blessing of bad geography in Africa
Andrew Richards / CEACS, Madrid
Political Regimes and the Trajectory of Labour Movements
Reinhard Pollak / Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin
Equal opportunities through education? A comparative study of the effects of education on social mobility in Europe in the 20th century
Andrea Brandolini / Labour Market and Income Dynamics Unit, Bank of Italy
Income Inequality in Rich Countries
Yossi Shavit / Tel-Aviv University
Expansion and Inequality of Educational Opportunity: A Comparative Study
Isabela Mares / Columbia University
Explaining changes and distributional implications of social policies around the world
Laura Morales / University of Manchester
The role of social capital in migrants' engagement in local politics in European cities
Miguel Caínzos / University of Santiago de Compostela
Class and political voice in Europe: modelling class inequalities in political participation
Jennifer Gandhi / Emory Univrsity
Coordination among Opposition Parties in Authoritarian Elections
Joseph Wright / Pennsylvania State University
Exit During Crisis: How Economic Openness and Crisis Interact to Affect Democratization
Irena Kogan / University of Bamberg
Broadening theoretical perspective: The role of social resources and cultural capital in immigrant labour market inclusion. The case of immigrants from the former Soviet Union in Germany and Israel.
Luis Fernando / Medina University of Virginia
The Political Economy of Electoral Participation
Fabrizio Bernardi / CEACS, Madrid
Second chance, employment insecurity and inequality of educational opportunities: the transition to post-compulsory education in Spain
Marco Albertini and Jonas Radl / CEACS, Madrid. European University Institute, Firenze
The intergenerational transmission of inequality through inter-vivos transfers
Christopher Whelan / Economci and Social research Unit, Dublin
Europeanization of Inequality and European Reference Groups
Georgia Kernell / Columbia University
Party Organization in a Comparative Perspective
Alexander Lee / University of Rochester
Parties, Legislatures, and Anti-Incumbency: Theory and Evidence from India
Jonathan Woon / University of Pittsburgh
Primaries, Strategic Voting, and Candidate Polarization
Jens Rydgren / Stockholm University
Beliefs about the Past and Trust: Evidence from Northern Iraq
Lucinda Platt / London School of Economics
Labour Market Entries and Exits of Women from Different Origin Countries in the UK
Benjamin Barber / Instituto de Empresa, Madrid
Ideas and Combat Motivation: Propaganda & German Soldiers’ Performance in World War II
María Petrova / Barcelona Institute for Political Economy and Governance
Social Media and Protest Participation: Evidence from Russia
Daniel Oesch / Université de Lausanne
Germany's Working Class Left Behind: the Growing Class Gap in Life Satisfaction Since the 1990s
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María Angélica Bautista / Brown University
Political Effects of State-led Repression: The Chilean Case
29/3/2016 - 11:30
James A. Robinson / University of Chicago
The Evolution of Culture and Institutions: Evidence from the Kuba Kingdom
Özge Kemahlioglu / Sabanic University, Istanbul
Terrorism and Accountability: The Mitigating Role of Local Politics
Daniel Kselman / Instituto de Empresa, Madrid
Median Activists or Median Voters: The Contingent Effects of Primary Elections
Ryan Griffiths / University of Sydney
Does Violent Secessionism Work?
Bram Lancee / Utrecht University
Ethnic Inequality in the Labour Market. The Transferability of Skills and Degrees
Mark Manger / University of Toronto
The Political Economy of Persistent Current Account Imbalances
Cyrus Samii / New York University
Social Incentives and Insurgent Organization: Evidence from Nepal’s Maoists
Andy Baker / University of Colorado, Boulder
The Dynamics of Partisan Identification when Party Brands Change: The Case of the Workers Party in Brazil
José Antonio Cheibub / University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Are Personalist Electoral Systems Compatible with Strong Political Parties? Evidence from Brazil
Joaquín Artés / Universidad Complutense de Madrid
The Effect of Corruption on Local Finances
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